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第82行: 第82行:
<font size=4>'''莖'''[3]</font>
<font size=4>'''莖'''[3]</font>
||<font size=4>
||<font size=4>
*1. Yohimbine為主要的成分
*1. yohimbine
*2. ajmaline
<font size=4>'''根及根莖'''[4]</font>
*1. Sarpagine
*2. yohimbine
*3. ajmalicine
*4. reserpine
*5. reserpiline
*6. pseudoreserpine
*7. vellosimine
*8. vellosiminol
*9. tetraphyllicine
<font size=4>'''葉'''[3]</font>
*1. β-amyrenyl acetate
*2. β-sitosterol
*3. serpentine
*4. the flavonoid glycoside robinin
<font size=4>'''樹皮'''[3]</font>
*1. β-amyrenyl acetate
*2. β-sitosterol
*3. δ-yohimbine
*4. reserpine
*5. yohimbine
*6. serpentine
*7. ajmaline
第89行: 第130行:
<font size=4>
<font size=4>
*Yohimbine可以阻斷α2腎上腺素受體(交感神經系統的一部分)[4]。它還具有擴張血管的作用。另外,Yohimbine可以抑制單胺氧化酶(MAO),跟治療orthostatic hypotension[5],也有研究指出在老鼠身上可以保護因為內毒素導致的急性腎損傷( endotoxin-induced acute lung injury)[6]。雙盲試驗顯示,育亨賓有助於治療男性的勃起功能障礙[7, 8]。但是也有研究顯示,育亨賓在這方面並無效果[9, 10]。
主要的成分為yohimbine, ajmalicine, reserpine[4]。Reserpine是早期中樞性的降血壓劑[5, 6],屬於交感神經的抑制劑,促進NE的排空而使血壓下降[7]。Ajmalicine早期研究證實有腦部血管的擴張效果,可以有效降低血壓及改善腦部循環,此外,還有強的利尿效果及輕微的肌肉鬆弛作用[8]。Yohimbine可以阻斷α2腎上腺素受體(交感神經系統的一部分)[9]。它還具有擴張血管的作用。另外,Yohimbine可以抑制單胺氧化酶(MAO),跟治療orthostatic hypotension[10],也有研究指出在老鼠身上可以保護因為內毒素導致的急性腎損傷( endotoxin-induced acute lung injury)[11]。雙盲試驗顯示,育亨賓有助於治療男性的勃起功能障礙。[12, 13]但是也有研究顯示,育亨賓在這方面並無效果[14, 15]。
第95行: 第136行:
== '''毒性研究''' ==  
== '''毒性研究''' ==  
*<font size=4 color=green>'''症狀'''</font> <font size=4>
*<font size=4 color=green>'''症狀'''</font> <font size=4>
第103行: 第144行:
*<font size=4 color=green>'''中毒劑量'''</font>  <font size=4>  
*<font size=4 color=green>'''中毒劑量'''</font>  <font size=4>  
**1. Rat LD50  (intraperitoneal) 55 mg/kg
**2. Mouse LD50  (intraperitoneal) 45 mg/kg
***1. Rat LD50  (intraperitoneal) 55 mg/kg
**3. Mouse LD50  (oral) 40 mg/kg
***2. Mouse LD50  (intraperitoneal) 45 mg/kg
***3. Mouse LD50  (oral) 40 mg/kg
***1.精神性憂鬱約大於1 mg的初始劑量,潰瘍發生在每天口服0.75 mg的病患[7]
*<font size=4 color=green>'''機轉'''</font>  <font size=4>  
*<font size=4 color=green>'''機轉'''</font>  <font size=4>  
**神經毒性的產生與交感神經阻斷及單胺氧化酶的抑制有關,與生殖能力的作用機轉目前未明。動物實驗給予Sprague-Dawley大鼠5 mg/IP Reserpine發現改變中腦的錳離子的濃度,進而影響多巴胺的系統,導致類帕金森症的症狀[20]。副交感神經的作用導致胃腸道蠕動增加,造成腹瀉的副作用,胃酸分泌增加可能導致潰瘍發生[7]。動物實驗發現前列腺分泌減少,細精管、副睪的細胞碎片,精母細胞凋亡[21]。
*<font size=4 color=green>'''生殖毒性'''</font> <font size=4>
*<font size=4 color=green>'''生殖毒性'''</font> <font size=4>
**Yohimbine主要為α2腎上腺素受體阻斷劑,在2006年發現在swiss albino mice身上,劑量越高(750mg/[kg•day])男性生殖能力反而會下降,也會產生spermatozoa abnormalities及chromosomal aberrations。[13]
**Yohimbine主要為α2腎上腺素受體阻斷劑,在2006年發現在swiss albino mice身上,劑量越高(750mg/[kg•day])男性生殖能力反而會下降,也會產生spermatozoa abnormalities及chromosomal aberrations。[18]
*<font size=4 color=green>'''神經毒性'''</font> <font size=4>
*<font size=4 color=green>'''神經毒性'''</font> <font size=4>
**2009年有case指出,誤食5 g Yohimbine後2小時內產生急性神經毒性,包含心跳加速、血壓升高、昏迷、反覆性痙孿、噁心嘔吐等等[19]。
第128行: 第171行:
== '''參考文獻''' ==
== '''參考文獻''' ==
<font size=4>
<font size=4>
1. 呂炎周. 台灣藥用植物名錄. In Edition 嘉義: 蘭潭彩色印刷股份有限公司 2006.
1. 呂炎周. 台灣藥用植物名錄. In. 嘉義: 蘭潭彩色印刷股份有限公司 2006.
2. 鄭武燦. 台灣植物圖鑑. In. 2000.
3. H.R.Arthur, S.N.Loo. An Examination of Rauwolfia verticillata of Hong Kong-II. Phytochemistry 1966; 5: 7.
4. Hong B, Cheng WM, Wu JA, Zhao CJ. Screening and Identification of Many of the Compounds Present in Rauvolfia verticillata by Use of High-Pressure LC and Quadrupole TOF MS. Chromatographia 2010; 72: 841-847.
5. Dick HL, Mc CE, Fisher WA. Reserpine-digitalis toxicity. Case reports of cardiac arrhythmias occurring during reserpine-digitalis therapy and a review of the literature with supporting animal experiments. Arch Intern Med 1962; 109: 503-506.
6. Ford RV, Moyer JH. Rauwolfia toxicity in the treatment of hypertension; comparative toxicity of reserpine and alseroxylon. Postgrad Med 1958; 23: 41-48.
7. Parker JM, Murphy CW. Reserpine-a comparison of chronic toxicity in animals with clinical toxicity. Can Med Assoc J 1961; 84: 1177-1180.
2. 鄭武燦. 台灣植物圖鑑. In Edition 台北: 國立編?館 2000.
8. Ban Y, Murakami Y, Iwasawa Y et al. Indole alkaloids in medicine. Med Res Rev 1988; 8: 231-308.
3. Bader FE, Dickel DF, Lucas RA, Schlittler E. Rauwolfia alkaloids. XI. Isolation of an isomer of yohimbine. Experientia 1954; 10: 298.
9. Riley AJ. Yohimbine in the treatment of erectile disorder. Br J Clin Pract 1994; 48: 133-136.
4. Riley AJ. Yohimbine in the treatment of erectile disorder. Br J Clin Pract 1994; 48: 133-136.
10. Verwaerde P, Tran MA, Montastruc JL et al. Effects of yohimbine, an alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonist, on experimental neurogenic orthostatic hypotension. Fundam Clin Pharmacol 1997; 11: 567-575.
5. Verwaerde P, Tran MA, Montastruc JL et al. Effects of yohimbine, an alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonist, on experimental neurogenic orthostatic hypotension. Fundam Clin Pharmacol 1997; 11: 567-575.
11. Lin Y, Zhu X, Yao WZ et al. Yohimbine protects against endotoxin-induced acute lung injury by blockade of alpha 2A adrenergic receptor in rats. Chin Med J (Engl) 2011; 124: 1069-1074.
6. Lin Y, Zhu X, Yao WZ et al. Yohimbine protects against endotoxin-induced acute lung injury by blockade of alpha 2A adrenergic receptor in rats. Chin Med J (Engl) 2011; 124: 1069-1074.
12. Ernst E, Pittler MH. Yohimbine for erectile dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. J Urol 1998; 159: 433-436.
7. Ernst E, Pittler MH. Yohimbine for erectile dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. J Urol 1998; 159: 433-436.
13. Carey MP, Johnson BT. Effectiveness of yohimbine in the treatment of erectile disorder: four meta-analytic integrations. Arch Sex Behav 1996; 25: 341-360.
8. Carey MP, Johnson BT. Effectiveness of yohimbine in the treatment of erectile disorder: four meta-analytic integrations. Arch Sex Behav 1996; 25: 341-360.
14. Kunelius P, Hakkinen J, Lukkarinen O. Is high-dose yohimbine hydrochloride effective in the treatment of mixed-type impotence? A prospective, randomized, controlled double-blind crossover study. Urology 1997; 49: 441-444.
9. Kunelius P, Hakkinen J, Lukkarinen O. Is high-dose yohimbine hydrochloride effective in the treatment of mixed-type impotence? A prospective, randomized, controlled double-blind crossover study. Urology 1997; 49: 441-444.
15. Mann K, Klingler T, Noe S et al. Effects of yohimbine on sexual experiences and nocturnal penile tumescence and rigidity in erectile dysfunction. Arch Sex Behav 1996; 25: 1-16.
10. Mann K, Klingler T, Noe S et al. Effects of yohimbine on sexual experiences and nocturnal penile tumescence and rigidity in erectile dysfunction. Arch Sex Behav 1996; 25: 1-16.
16. Louis S. Drug Facts and Comparisons. In Facts and Comparisons. 1998; 3659.
11. Louis S. Drug Facts and Comparisons. In Facts and Comparisons, Edition 1998; 3659.
17. KA. G. Yohimbine in the treatment of male erectile sexual dysfunction—a clinical review. J New Dev Clin Med 1996; 14: 25-33.
12. KA. G. Yohimbine in the treatment of male erectile sexual dysfunction—a clinical review. J New Dev Clin Med 1996; 14: 25-33.
18. Al-Majed AA, Al-Yahya AA, Al-Bekairi AM et al. Reproductive, cytological and biochemical toxicity of Yohimbe in male Swiss albino mice. Asian J Androl 2006; 8: 469-476.
13. Al-Majed AA, Al-Yahya AA, Al-Bekairi AM et al. Reproductive, cytological and biochemical toxicity of Yohimbe in male Swiss albino mice. Asian J Androl 2006; 8: 469-476.
19. Giampreti A, Lonati D, Locatelli C et al. Acute neurotoxicity after yohimbine ingestion by a body builder. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2009; 47: 827-829.
14. Giampreti A, Lonati D, Locatelli C et al. Acute neurotoxicity after yohimbine ingestion by a body builder. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2009; 47: 827-829.
20. Ingersoll RT, Montgomery EB, Jr., Aposhian HV. Central nervous system toxicity of manganese. II: Cocaine or reserpine inhibit manganese concentration in the rat brain. Neurotoxicology 1999; 20: 467-476.
21. Yamauchi K, Takaura Y, Noto T et al. Collaborative work to evaluate toxicity on male reproductive organs by repeated dose studies in rats 7). Effects of reserpine in 2- and 4-weeks studies. J Toxicol Sci 2000; 25 Spec No: 79-85.

在2012年10月29日 (一) 13:31所做的修訂版本

中英文學名 科別 毒性 症狀



夾竹桃科Apocynaceae[1, 2]


蘿芙木屬 Rauvolfia




Rauvolfia verticillata Lour.


Taiwan devil pepper





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  • 1. yohimbine
  • 2. ajmaline


  • 1. Sarpagine
  • 2. yohimbine
  • 3. ajmalicine
  • 4. reserpine
  • 5. reserpiline
  • 6. pseudoreserpine
  • 7. vellosimine
  • 8. vellosiminol
  • 9. tetraphyllicine
  • 10.tetrahydroalstonine
  • 11.perakine
  • 12.vinorine
  • 13.serpentine
  • 14.purpeline
  • 15.raumitorine
  • 16.deserpidine
  • 17.carapanaubine



  • 1. β-amyrenyl acetate
  • 2. β-sitosterol
  • 3. serpentine
  • 4. the flavonoid glycoside robinin



  • 1. β-amyrenyl acetate
  • 2. β-sitosterol
  • 3. δ-yohimbine
  • 4. reserpine
  • 5. yohimbine
  • 6. serpentine
  • 7. ajmaline



主要的成分為yohimbine, ajmalicine, reserpine[4]。Reserpine是早期中樞性的降血壓劑[5, 6],屬於交感神經的抑制劑,促進NE的排空而使血壓下降[7]。Ajmalicine早期研究證實有腦部血管的擴張效果,可以有效降低血壓及改善腦部循環,此外,還有強的利尿效果及輕微的肌肉鬆弛作用[8]。Yohimbine可以阻斷α2腎上腺素受體(交感神經系統的一部分)[9]。它還具有擴張血管的作用。另外,Yohimbine可以抑制單胺氧化酶(MAO),跟治療orthostatic hypotension[10],也有研究指出在老鼠身上可以保護因為內毒素導致的急性腎損傷( endotoxin-induced acute lung injury)[11]。雙盲試驗顯示,育亨賓有助於治療男性的勃起功能障礙。[12, 13]但是也有研究顯示,育亨賓在這方面並無效果[14, 15]。


  • 症狀
    • 可能會引起暈眩、惡心、失眠、焦慮、血壓升高以及心跳加速[16],每日服用超過40毫克Yohimbine,可以導致比較危險的副作用,包括肌肉功能下降、顫抖和暈眩等[17]。有些人在服用較大劑量Yohimbine時還可能出現幻覺。在某案例報導中,服用200mgYohimbine後出現了一過性高血壓、心悸、焦慮[16]。另外,也可能引起鼻塞、呆滯、胃腸蠕動增加、疲勞及嗜睡、腹瀉、精神性憂鬱,顫抖等類帕金森症狀[7]

  • 有毒成分
    • 1. Yohimbine

  • 中毒劑量
    • 動物實驗
      • 1. Rat LD50 (intraperitoneal) 55 mg/kg
      • 2. Mouse LD50 (intraperitoneal) 45 mg/kg
      • 3. Mouse LD50 (oral) 40 mg/kg
    • 人體副作用(案例)
      • 1.精神性憂鬱約大於1 mg的初始劑量,潰瘍發生在每天口服0.75 mg的病患[7]

  • 機轉
    • 神經毒性的產生與交感神經阻斷及單胺氧化酶的抑制有關,與生殖能力的作用機轉目前未明。動物實驗給予Sprague-Dawley大鼠5 mg/IP Reserpine發現改變中腦的錳離子的濃度,進而影響多巴胺的系統,導致類帕金森症的症狀[20]。副交感神經的作用導致胃腸道蠕動增加,造成腹瀉的副作用,胃酸分泌增加可能導致潰瘍發生[7]。動物實驗發現前列腺分泌減少,細精管、副睪的細胞碎片,精母細胞凋亡[21]。

  • 生殖毒性
    • Yohimbine主要為α2腎上腺素受體阻斷劑,在2006年發現在swiss albino mice身上,劑量越高(750mg/[kg•day])男性生殖能力反而會下降,也會產生spermatozoa abnormalities及chromosomal aberrations。[18]

  • 神經毒性
    • 2009年有case指出,誤食5 g Yohimbine後2小時內產生急性神經毒性,包含心跳加速、血壓升高、昏迷、反覆性痙孿、噁心嘔吐等等[19]。




1. 呂炎周. 台灣藥用植物名錄. In. 嘉義: 蘭潭彩色印刷股份有限公司 2006.

2. 鄭武燦. 台灣植物圖鑑. In. 2000.

3. H.R.Arthur, S.N.Loo. An Examination of Rauwolfia verticillata of Hong Kong-II. Phytochemistry 1966; 5: 7.

4. Hong B, Cheng WM, Wu JA, Zhao CJ. Screening and Identification of Many of the Compounds Present in Rauvolfia verticillata by Use of High-Pressure LC and Quadrupole TOF MS. Chromatographia 2010; 72: 841-847.

5. Dick HL, Mc CE, Fisher WA. Reserpine-digitalis toxicity. Case reports of cardiac arrhythmias occurring during reserpine-digitalis therapy and a review of the literature with supporting animal experiments. Arch Intern Med 1962; 109: 503-506.

6. Ford RV, Moyer JH. Rauwolfia toxicity in the treatment of hypertension; comparative toxicity of reserpine and alseroxylon. Postgrad Med 1958; 23: 41-48.

7. Parker JM, Murphy CW. Reserpine-a comparison of chronic toxicity in animals with clinical toxicity. Can Med Assoc J 1961; 84: 1177-1180.

8. Ban Y, Murakami Y, Iwasawa Y et al. Indole alkaloids in medicine. Med Res Rev 1988; 8: 231-308.

9. Riley AJ. Yohimbine in the treatment of erectile disorder. Br J Clin Pract 1994; 48: 133-136.

10. Verwaerde P, Tran MA, Montastruc JL et al. Effects of yohimbine, an alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonist, on experimental neurogenic orthostatic hypotension. Fundam Clin Pharmacol 1997; 11: 567-575.

11. Lin Y, Zhu X, Yao WZ et al. Yohimbine protects against endotoxin-induced acute lung injury by blockade of alpha 2A adrenergic receptor in rats. Chin Med J (Engl) 2011; 124: 1069-1074.

12. Ernst E, Pittler MH. Yohimbine for erectile dysfunction: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. J Urol 1998; 159: 433-436.

13. Carey MP, Johnson BT. Effectiveness of yohimbine in the treatment of erectile disorder: four meta-analytic integrations. Arch Sex Behav 1996; 25: 341-360.

14. Kunelius P, Hakkinen J, Lukkarinen O. Is high-dose yohimbine hydrochloride effective in the treatment of mixed-type impotence? A prospective, randomized, controlled double-blind crossover study. Urology 1997; 49: 441-444.

15. Mann K, Klingler T, Noe S et al. Effects of yohimbine on sexual experiences and nocturnal penile tumescence and rigidity in erectile dysfunction. Arch Sex Behav 1996; 25: 1-16.

16. Louis S. Drug Facts and Comparisons. In Facts and Comparisons. 1998; 3659.

17. KA. G. Yohimbine in the treatment of male erectile sexual dysfunction—a clinical review. J New Dev Clin Med 1996; 14: 25-33.

18. Al-Majed AA, Al-Yahya AA, Al-Bekairi AM et al. Reproductive, cytological and biochemical toxicity of Yohimbe in male Swiss albino mice. Asian J Androl 2006; 8: 469-476.

19. Giampreti A, Lonati D, Locatelli C et al. Acute neurotoxicity after yohimbine ingestion by a body builder. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2009; 47: 827-829.

20. Ingersoll RT, Montgomery EB, Jr., Aposhian HV. Central nervous system toxicity of manganese. II: Cocaine or reserpine inhibit manganese concentration in the rat brain. Neurotoxicology 1999; 20: 467-476.

21. Yamauchi K, Takaura Y, Noto T et al. Collaborative work to evaluate toxicity on male reproductive organs by repeated dose studies in rats 7). Effects of reserpine in 2- and 4-weeks studies. J Toxicol Sci 2000; 25 Spec No: 79-85.

中英文學名 科別 毒性 症狀