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== '''參考文獻''' ==
== '''參考文獻''' ==
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6. Osterloh J, Herold S, Pond S. Oleander interference in the digoxin radioimmunoassay in a fatal ingestion. JAMA. 1982 Mar 19;247(11):1596-7.
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11. Eddleston M, Ariaratnam CA, Sjostrom L, Jayalath S, Rajakanthan K, Rajapakse S, et al. Acute yellow oleander (Thevetia peruviana) poisoning: cardiac arrhythmias, electrolyte
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15. Pietsch J, Oertel R, Trautmann S, Schulz K, Kopp B, Dressler J. A non-fatal oleander poisoning. Int J Legal Med. 2005 Jul;119(4):236-40.
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[22] Eddleston M, Rajapakse S, Rajakanthan et al. Anti-digoxin Fab fragments in cardiotoxicity induced by ingestion of yellow oleander: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2000; 355: 967-972.
17. Khan I, Kant C, Sanwaria A, Meena L. Acute cardiac toxicity of nerium oleander/indicum poisoning (kaner) poisoning. Heart Views. 2010 Oct;11(3):115-6.
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18. Tracqui A, Kintz P, Branche F, Ludes B. Confirmation of oleander poisoning by HPLC/MS. Int J Legal Med. 1998;111(1):32-4.
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在2011年6月27日 (一) 10:08的最新修訂版本





夾竹桃科 Apocynaceae


夾竹桃屬 Nerium




Nerium indicum Mill


Sweet-scented oleander







葉、嫩枝、花朵、花蜜、樹液和經燃燒後的煙霧(3, 4),其強心苷之結構非常類似digitoxin。

根據Karawya et al.[5]報告指出強心苷成分在種子及根的比例最高,其次是果實和葉部,在花期時,紅




食過量夾竹桃之關係而導致中毒而致命,也有報告指出兒童使用一片葉子而導致中毒[6, 7]。其中毒大多


點為歐洲、美國(包括夏威夷)、澳大利亞、南部非洲、印度、斯里蘭卡、東亞和所羅門群島[3, 8]。











  • 症狀



在胃腸道部分包括噁心(nausea)、嘔吐(vomiting)、唾液分泌增加(ncreased salivation)腹痛(abdominal


的心律不整、房室阻塞(atrioventricular (AV) block)、心房纖維顫動和/或心室顫動(atrial fibrillation and/or

ventricular fibrillation)以及高血鉀(hyperkalemia)[10, 11]。

神經方面包括震顫(tremor)、昏睡(drowsiness)、運動失調(ataxia)、視力障礙(visual disturbances)黃色視覺、

瞳孔散大(mydriasis)和虛弱(weakness),會導致黏膜發炎(irritation of the mucus membranes)、口腔紅斑

(buccal erythema)、麻木(numbness)、口腔感覺異常(dysesthesias)和燒灼感(burning sensation)[10, 12]。

  • 毒性成份

夾竹桃主毒性是來自於非毛地黃強心苷(nondigitalis cardiac glycosides)包含 oleandrin、folineriin、adynerin


皆具有正性肌力作用 (positive inotropic,強心肌收縮性)、負性頻率作用(negative chronotropic,減慢竇性頻

率)和交叉作用(cross reactivity)[13, 14]。

其毒性作用主要是作用在心細胞的鈉鉀泵(sodium-potassium pump)以及增加迷走神經活性所導致。心臟及胃


  • 毒性機轉

強心苷主要是作用在心肌細胞的鈉鉀泵(sodium-potassium pump)使其不活化,導致細胞內的鈉離子濃度升高,

使得鈉/鈣離子交換通道(Na+/Ca2+ exchange)造成細胞內的鈣離子升高,由於細胞內的鈣離子增加使得細胞自

發性極化提高,而導致收縮力增加(positive inotropic)[16, 17]。由於抑制鈉鉀泵(sodium-potassium pump)而改


  • 中毒劑量


導致中毒。但有案例指出一位17歲的少年食用了三片夾竹桃葉只有輕微的中毒,並無其它併發症產生[6, 7]。







在臨床上除了給予症狀治療以外,在Veronika Bandara et al(14)報告中指出有一系列對於夾竹桃中毒指引,其


阻塞之狀況下給予anti-digoxin Fab或在無anti-digoxin Fab之情況又血鉀 > 5.5之情況下給予胰島素/葡萄糖

(insulin/ dextrose)不要給予鈣。




1. Ding K, Fang JN, Dong T, Tsim KW, Wu H. Characterization of a rhamnogalacturonan and a xyloglucan from neriumindicum and their activities on PC12 pheochromocytoma cells. J Nat

Prod. 2003 Jan;66(1):7-10.

2. Dong Q, Fang JN. Structural elucidation of a new arabinogalactan from the leaves of Nerium indicum. Carbohydr Res. 2001 May 8;332(1):109-14.

3. Langford SD, Boor PJ. Oleander toxicity: an examination of human and animal toxic exposures. Toxicology. 1996 May 3;109(1):1-13.

4. Oji O, Okafor QE. Toxicological studies on stem bark, leaf and seed kernel of yellow oleander (Thevetia peruviana). Phytother Res. 2000 Mar;14(2):133-5.

5. Karawya MS, Balbaa SI, Khayyal SE. Estimation of cardenolides in Nerium oleander. Planta Med. 1973 Feb;23(1):70-3.

6. Osterloh J, Herold S, Pond S. Oleander interference in the digoxin radioimmunoassay in a fatal ingestion. JAMA. 1982 Mar 19;247(11):1596-7.

7. Shaw D, Pearn J. Oleander poisoning. Med J Aust. 1979 Sep 8;2(5):267-9.

8. Eddleston M, Warrell DA. Management of acute yellow oleander poisoning. QJM. 1999 Sep;92(9):483-5.

9. Hu K, Liu Q, Wang S, Ding K. New oligosaccharides prepared by acid hydrolysis of the polysaccharides from Nerium indicum Mill and their anti-angiogenesis activities. Carbohydr Res.

2009 Jan 26;344(2):198-203.

10. Barceloux DG. Medical Toxicology of Natural Substances: Foods, Fungi, Medicinal Herbs, Plants, and Venomous Animals. John Wiley & Sons Inc, Canada. 2008.

11. Eddleston M, Ariaratnam CA, Sjostrom L, Jayalath S, Rajakanthan K, Rajapakse S, et al. Acute yellow oleander (Thevetia peruviana) poisoning: cardiac arrhythmias, electrolyte

disturbances, and serum cardiac glycoside concentrations on presentation to hospital. Heart. 2000 Mar;83(3):301-6.

12. Haynes BE, Bessen HA, Wightman WD. Oleander tea: herbal draught of death. Ann Emerg Med. 1985 Apr;14(4):350-3.

13. Shumaik GM, Wu AW, Ping AC. Oleander poisoning: treatment with digoxin-specific Fab antibody fragments. Ann Emerg Med. 1988 Jul;17(7):732-5.

14. Bandara V, Weinstein SA, White J, Eddleston M. A review of the natural history, toxinology, diagnosis and clinical management of Nerium oleander (common oleander) and Thevetia

peruviana (yellow oleander) poisoning. Toxicon. 2010 Sep 1;56(3):273-81.

15. Pietsch J, Oertel R, Trautmann S, Schulz K, Kopp B, Dressler J. A non-fatal oleander poisoning. Int J Legal Med. 2005 Jul;119(4):236-40.

16. Demiryurek AT, Demiryurek S. Cardiotoxicity of digitalis glycosides: roles of autonomic pathways, autacoids and ion channels. Auton Autacoid Pharmacol. 2005 Apr;25(2):35-52.

17. Khan I, Kant C, Sanwaria A, Meena L. Acute cardiac toxicity of nerium oleander/indicum poisoning (kaner) poisoning. Heart Views. 2010 Oct;11(3):115-6.

18. Tracqui A, Kintz P, Branche F, Ludes B. Confirmation of oleander poisoning by HPLC/MS. Int J Legal Med. 1998;111(1):32-4.

